Go-low Partners

Here at Go-low we love to collaborate with other great brands and services who share our values and passion and we are building a bank of trusted partners to sign post you to should you require it.


The Primal Zone - Primal aligned Health Coach


If you’re not quite cutting it in terms of reaching your health goals Sheila Docker - The Primal Zone® is the founder of The Primal Zone and is a UK based and primal aligned health coach and NLP Practitioner, whose amazing work is helping midlife men and women rediscover how to enjoy life to the fullest by being fit, strong and healthy in both mind and body.

“It’s not just about quick fixes now, but encouraging longevity with positivity, adventure, energy and good health.”

Sheila is super enthusiastic, down to earth and funny!!! So, why not book your free discovery call with Sheila's team and get started today? Use code: GOLOW15 for a special 15% discount